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“Locked” Phones

What does “locked” mean in relation to Maggie’s and Paul’s phones? Is it simply that they stopped being used? I’ve seen a definition for locked that means a phone can only be connected to one provider, but that makes no sense here.

Paul Murdaugh

I am not sure if Alex killed both Paul and Maggie but I am sure he was there when they were shot. I think Paul could have killed his Mom. Any insights ? Have this ever been discussed ?

Change of Venue

Not sure if this was addressed or not, but with all of the history of the family in the are why would there be a change of venue for the trial?

Change of Venue

Not sure if this was addressed or not, but with all of the history of the family in the are why would there be a change of venue for the trial?

Courtroom etiquette

Is it normal for observers to be able to move around when court is in session? And why is Poot allowed to stand over everyone when he isn’t addressing a witness?