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Courtroom etiquette

Is it normal for observers to be able to move around when court is in session? And why is Poot allowed to stand over everyone when he isn’t addressing a witness?

Man in the courtroom?

Who is the white haired gentleman in the courtroom dressed in suit and tie? He was sitting today ( Thursday) on the prosecution side a few rows behind Alex in the photos? It seems to me that he is a SC politician, but I can't remember his name....

Paul’s truck

I may have missed it but what do you make of Paul’s truck being found miles away in another town. Guy guys seem to have all the sources- was this addressed and i missed it?

Paul’s truck

I may have missed it but what do you make of Paul’s truck being found miles away in another town. Guy guys seem to have all the sources- was this addressed and i missed it?

Why Paul was with Maggie at Mosselle

Could Paul have been at Moselle with Maggie because she called him to ride with her there because, as she allegedly told a friend, she was concerned Alex was “up to something.” And maybe that’s why Paul’s truck was on the hwy and not at Moselle when the shootings occurred…Maggie had picked him up to ride with her?