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with Luna Shark Premium

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I want to unsubscribe. I haven’t been able to use the live link at all. I’m not real tech savvy so I am just going to cancel

Cross examining witnesses

How can some witnesses be just for the Prosecution or just for the Defense. I heard that some witnesses are just on the Defense's list. Don't both sides have the right to cross examine witnesses?

No sound, but not muted

I don't know if I pressed something weird, I was listening to everything on my lunar shark app. But now no matter what I try to pull up, I just can't hear anything. I switch it on and off of mute and it doesn't make any difference . I have my volume up as loud as I can but I just can't hear anything . Is there anything that I can do to fixit?

Your live feed of trial w/ comments

I'd like to watch your live feed of the trial with imposed comments by you guys. Can you paste the link for this onto your Supercast website and/or send the link out in an email to MMP premium members?

White shirt

Another observation Alex was in a white shirt when the police arrived. It looks like a undershirt. He is wearing a white undershirt under his dress shirt the last 2 days in court. 1. When he was riding around with Paul earlier, was he just wearing that white shirt or did he have another shirt over that white one? 2. Is is possible that he had another shirt over the white shirt and that is why there is limited (but still there) blood splatter evidence?