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Sort of silly, but...

It's not a question, but an observation. Monday, the day the trial started, was the feast day of St. Raymond of Penafort. He is the Patron Saint of Lawyers. Interesting! lol


Why do you suppose Charlie Condon has attended at least 2 days of the trial?

About that trip to see his mom...

Any chance he ditched, destroyed or maybe stashed bloddy clothes and showered at his mom's? I know he wasn't there long but it seems like 20 minutes would be plenty of time to shower and put on clean clothes. Also, thank you for all the hard work y'all have put into this!

Daily court summary

I am seeing the live court video posted, but I was wondering if you guys are doing a daily recap for summary of what happened in court each day?

Who died first?

How does the prosecution know that Paul died first if it all happened within minutes?