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rain coat

Is there any speculation about why Alex took the raincoat to his mother's house? Has he been questioned about this?

Behavior in the Afternoon of the Murders

I don't understand that if Alex suddenly got a phone call when he was at PMPED that said his dad was in bad shape and he had to rush out, why in his recap of his day he didn't mention actually going to see his dad at that particular time? Why would he wait until very late in the day when Maggie could go if you got a call that was so bad it made you leave the office? Not a normal response. Seems like if you got "that kind of call" you'd be on your way to your dad's side. Also did Randy get the same call? Seems like he would or Alex would have been asked to tell him. Was Randy in the office?? Did Alex go see him before he left?? Seems like both them would have been out the door and discussed going to see their dad maybe together! I'd like to know what time he left the office and what he did before Paul got to Moselle at 4 pm-ish. Was this the "planning period" for what was about to come (planting guns, putting clean clothes/shoes in his car, thoughts of how to dispose of things, etc.? His thoughts after being confronted in the office were probably all over the place! What he apparently did when he left was just go home and jump on an ATV sometime after 4 pm and start tooling around the property having a good ole time with Paul with thoughts of his dad just going out of his head - it's chilling to think he was going to kill Paul in just a few hours during that ride. I can't wait to see that video of him and Paul and Alex's behavior. He's not a good liar because he has a scattered mind (which is probably where Paul got his ADHD) thus the crumbling of his storyline that doesn't cover all his's all a web of lies that he can't keep track of. None of the phone call mess about his dad's status makes sense to me.

Serial killer

Do you think it’s possible that Alec knew he raised a serial killer, and took him out before it could go any further? It seems to me that he possibly killed Stephen smith, but I also believe he murdered the house keeper Gloria as well. Then was laughing about Malory. Do you think this was even a thought in his head? The boy had no conscience.

Smoking Gun?

Does the prosecution have to show all their cards to the defense during pretrial? In other words, can they submit evidence, eg AM's bloody clothes (if the found them) as an 'aha moment' - the element of surprise?! You know, where the whole courtroom gasps?!

Pre-Trial Disclosure of Evidence

If I understand correctly, the Prosecution is requested to disclose all evidence to the Defense before the trial