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2nd Interview with Owens

I cannot find the 2nd interview in Owen's SLED car - Alex in blue shirt and Jim present in the car. Is there a link?


What is the probability or lack thereof of Alex M taking the witness stand?

Maybe Alex didn’t intend to kill Maggie and Paul

Maybe someone has thought of this. You all have noted how manipulative Alex is. And maybe SOME of Alex’s tears are not fake. Maybe he “Lured” Maggie to Mosel that night to give it one more hard push to have her sign the bank papers on the beach house so he could get some $$$ fast to make his law partners happy and get out of hot water. He is use to manipulating her and the rest of the family and he is SURE he can get this done (hence the jovial nature on the videos) Murder was not on his mind, but over dinner Maggie says NO one more time and now it’s late night and he has only hours to “Fix this” and in that moment makes the stupidest decision of his life. And now in the aftermath he IS shocked and. he sees how incredibly stupid and selfish that decision was…………I’d feck’n CRY TOO.

16 gauge stuck in the 12 gauge

Love all of y’all! Fan since day one! Keep up the fantastic work! Ok, can’t remember which female detective it was but she talked about the shot gun having the 16 gauge shell stuck in the gun. And that she swabbed it for blood prior to using her tool to place in the gun and remove 16 gauge round. I’ve been curious as to why 2 guns were used since it was first reported. Do y’all think Alex just grabbed shells in haste when reloading to shoot Maggie and the gun jammed up (because of the 16g shell) so he grabbed the high powered rifle? That’s my best theory on the 2 gun use as of now. My previous theory was that he intentionally used two guns to make it look like it was 2 shooters. Would love to know what y’all think! Thanks so much!

Confused over subscriptions

I am very confused over what my premium membership gets me. I see a video of trial every evening with MMP and others making comments throughout. Do I have access to a group chat? Or live feed of trial?