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Discrepancy between motion on Alex's and Maggies cell phnes

Is it possible that Alex had time to take a golf cart or ATV to get rid of Maggie's phone in the wrong direction and come back to start his car at 9:06? Trying to figure that piece out unless there was someone else there to help him.

From Monday Feb 2 "Cup of Justice" conversation

Hi, My first question ever and brand new to MMP but long-time listener to your podcast. Eric mentioned the water around the dog kennels being oddly outside the normal flow of how the drains funnel the water with the thought of that possibly meaning that someone possibly rinsed themselves off. If you watch and listen closely to Paul's video of the dog, I believe I hear someone hosing down that area while they are all speaking. Have any of you noticed that as well and that being the probable cause of the extra water? Thank you and keep doing what you do!

MMP Merch

I’m trying to access my Soak Up the Sun MMP Merch store. How can I get to it?

Gloria’s body

Last June the state exhumed Gloria Satterfield’s body and SLED was going to examine it for signs of traumatic injury. Do you have any updates on this?

Possible Scenerio

What if Alex's car was already parked at the kennels, rather than the house, when the shooting occured? Earlier that day, Alex was coming home to meet Paul. Paul wouldn't be at the house. He would be at the kennel. Perhaps Alex arrived at the kennels, dressed in his casual business attire, and he and Paul left from there to drive around in a "buggy" checking out the property, and taking the first video. When Maggie arrived at the house, they stopped in and had dinner, then drove the buggy back down to the kennels. As Paul is taking the dog video, Bubba gets hold of a chicken. Alex is yelling at Bubba. The dog isn't responding to Alex's commands, and Alex loses his patience! His financial schemes were slipping out of his control, and now he can't control the damn dog! He loses it, and grabs Paul's replacement blackout gun, and threatens to shoot the dog for not obeying him. Paul and Maggie panic and scream at Alex to stop. Paul grabs his shotgun, and threatens his father to stop. Alex puts down the blackout, and assures both of them that he will not shoot the dog. He approaches Paul, and convinces him to hand over the shotgun. In an instant, it occurs to Alex that Paul and Maggie actually value the dog's life more than his. His narcissistic personality is highly offended, and he snaps! He shoots Paul just after getting the gun from him. Maggie begins running. Alex retrieves the replacement blackout gun that he set aside moments earlier, and pursues Maggie. (57 steps) He does a quick clean-up & bundles the evidence in the raincoat. He is able to get away quickly because his car is parked just steps away from Maggie's body. He exits out the mailbox driveway, ditches Maggie's cell phone, then heads to his parents' house, possibly ditching the evidence on the way, and later, hiding the raincoat at his mother's house. When Alex arrives back at the scene, he phones 911, then realizes some evidence on his clothes. He leaves the lights flashing on his car for the first responders, and drives the buggy back to the house, parking it elsewhere when he returns. He says that he headed to the house for the gun, but was able to change clothes as well in the 20 minutes it took the first responders to arrive.