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Randy's Paycheck?

Did Alex cash one of his brother's paychecks? If so, is that the reason he sued Alex for $90k?

Attending Trial

I have the opportunity to come to Walterboro from Texas and wanted to know what the chances were to get a seat in the courtroom.

Do you think Alex will testify?

I noticed that the defense asked Paul's friend if he thought Bubba could be "quite a handful". Perhaps Alex will concede that he was at the kennels, but headed back to the house quickly after the video was taken in order to get Bubba out of there because he was being such a nuisance with the chicken.

Black box

Does SLED have the the “BlackBox” from all of Alex’s cars. It would explain the timeline for his movements?

Premium merchandise

What's the best way to access the premium tier merchandise? I've looked everywhere!