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Foya Requests

Did you post the video on instructions for actually completing a Foya request?

Feb 8 Podcast; Clips of Jeanne Seckinger

The Feb 8th podcast was very good like all others, but the clips of Jeanne Seckinger's testimony made it sound like she was slurring her words. I listened to her testimony live, and I did not hear her slurring. Did y'all slow down her testimony unintentionally? It is very distracting and makes her sound as if she is drunk or on too strong a dose of anti-anxiety medication. Please check because if it is an error, it is almost slanderous. I would think she will be very upset.


Why can I not log in to watch this live on YouTube? I have the premium subscription.


Was it me or was he a horrible witness today… talk about getting into the deep weeds unnecessarily! Thoughts?

Any concerns for your safety?

This question has crossed my mind many times - are any of you on the team concerned for your own safety? Having blown this all out of darkness - do you worry for yourselves?