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with Luna Shark Premium

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Did you guys go away?

Hi- I may have missed something but did you guys change your podcast name or go away? I haven’t seen much lately :) Hope all is well

Yellow (stay pesky) versus Blue (true sunlight)

It appears the two podcasts are nearly the same but confusing. Is the Stay Pesky included in the $14 a month subscription? The true sunlight is not? It took an extra day to receive the current podcast on Stay Pesky but True Sunlight already posted the newest podcast earlier. It would seem subscribers would receive the podcast at the same time not delayed because that is backwards. I don’t want to sound negative because I don’t feel that way just a bit confused and wish to make sure I am benefiting from my subscription. It’s my favorite podcast but this subscription seems hard to navigate. Thanks so much!

How do I access MMP Premium - MMP Visual Podcast YouTube videos?

Hi! If you click Episode on the left, each episode will have a YouTube link attached. They are also available on our YouTube channel but will have ads.

Eric Bland’s friend, Greg Leon

Listened to the most recent COJ this morning. I admire Eric Bland’s work with Murdaugh’s financial victims. It’s OK for him to still be friends with Leon, and Leon is all those things he claims. But…EB left out the other side of Leon. And because he left it out people here who don’t live in Lexington County don’t know the whole story. Greg Leon was indicted on bribery charges for bribing the sheriff. He is part of the good old boy corruption network in SC that EB rages against. I was floored by that last week but wasn’t going to judge EB on his choice of friends. But his high praise of Leon in his statement without mention of the corruption charges is wrong in my opinion. Leon was also caught while awaiting his murder trial trying to bribe a witness who was an employee of his to lie. The article below details the corruption charges. So no questions from me. I just thought y’all needed to know since in the podcast Mandy said she didn’t know much about it.


Can Gracie live with her mom now that she is over 16 or is required to stay with her dad until 17 or 18?