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Randolph Murdaugh III

I have been a listener since the beginning, and I don't recall a deep dive into what you believe in Randolph Murdaugh III's knowledge or involvement in Alex's financial crimes and the murders. I know it is not polite to defame a deceased person, and I am not trying to do so; however, with his co-signing on several of Alex's loans, at a minimum, he must have known he was playing a shell game. I suspect he knew much more, and Alex likely thought his father would assist with/ him not being prosecuted for the murders. I would love to know your thoughts. Love True Sunlight, COJ, and can't wait to see your name on the NYT Bestseller list!

Premium member podcast link

I seem to have lost my premium podcast. I am using Google Podcasts as my podcast caughter and I need the link to get my True Sunlight premium podcast back.

Audible Purchase eligibility

I pre-purchased blood on their hands on Audible and I’m wondering if I am eligible to receive a signed book cover (for future hard copy purchase) and also able to get a free month of premium 😬 if not that’s okay just curious

Event in Bluffton

I just pre-ordered you book and now have the premium membership :-) due to my purchase. I would like to attend the event in Bluffton on November 16th. Can I just show up? Is a reservation required?

Premium book content

How do I access the Premium book content? I am a Premium member. Can't seem to find it.