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COJ Cups

Where can I order merchandise form MMP

ad-free podcast?

Hi. The latest MMP podcast (today's) includes ads. I'm wondering how to access the ad-free version with my subscription. Thanks!

Please look into Nanette Krentel case in Louisiana

This is a 5 or 6 year old cold case that appears to be full of cover ups. Murder occurred in Lacombe, LA. Thx!

New case suggestions? What happened to Sean Daughtery

Where do we post ideas for new cases? My neighbor has had a sign about "what happened to sean?" for a few years. It's this really shady local case in VA about a 12yo boy named Sean Daughtery. The local cops called it a suicide but it obviously wasn't, just like Stephen's case obviously wasn't a hit and run. The family was a military family with no local ties to law enforcement and know one seems to know what exactly law enforcement is covering up with this case. It's all very weird and very sad for the family.

A case with SC roots to look at

Mandy and Team Have you heard Rachel Shannon? I came across her YouTube story on Amanda Blackburn case.I have been following the Amanda Blackburn case since the beginning. Amanda was a friend of my wife. If you have an hour…..please watch Rachel’s YouTube. She is vey pesky and might be a great addition to your team. Please consider looking to not this awful case.