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with Luna Shark Premium

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Just wanted to say that I sprung for the $14 subscription solely because I really believe in the two of you and what you are doing. I hope you are able to step back and give yourselves credit for what you have created. I’m excited to take this journey with you! Ps that metaphor made me imagine us on an 80s style road trip and I want Eric Bland to be backseat middle.

White shirt

Another observation Alex was in a white shirt when the police arrived. It looks like a undershirt. He is wearing a white undershirt under his dress shirt the last 2 days in court. 1. When he was riding around with Paul earlier, was he just wearing that white shirt or did he have another shirt over that white one? 2. Is is possible that he had another shirt over the white shirt and that is why there is limited (but still there) blood splatter evidence?

Phone on Paul's back?

How did it get there? Why?

Sort of silly, but...

It's not a question, but an observation. Monday, the day the trial started, was the feast day of St. Raymond of Penafort. He is the Patron Saint of Lawyers. Interesting! lol

Who died first?

How does the prosecution know that Paul died first if it all happened within minutes?