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with Luna Shark Premium

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Premium COJ

Will premium soak up the sun members also have access to premium Cup of Justice now that it will be released as its own separate podcast?

Buster’s presence in court

Do you think it’s possible Buster is in court sitting behind his father only because he has been told “show up and behave or we’ll tell about your involvement in XYZ (perhaps Stephen Smith, other “crimes”)… in other words, is Buster being blackmailed? Seems convenient that Randy Murdaugh’s absence can be blamed on his law firm needing to keep an arm’s length.

Raincoat & Phones

I am very curious about the raincoat. Was any search ever done of his mother's house? I mean, if he took the guns wrapped in the raincoat, along with his bloody clothes, there were plenty of people there that could have disposed of those items for him. I can't imagine that he would not completely destroy them and make it so they would never be found. I'll be very interested to see what happens with the comparison of all AM, MM & PM phones. I can't wait to see what the gps data says as far as locations of each person at what times.


So, the live stream video is eating up my data (company says I have unlimited, but will slow down streaming after a certain number of gigs). Is there a place or site that I can go to to simply listen to the audio of the trial? I don’t have access to Wi-Fi during the workday.

2nd Interview with Owens

I cannot find the 2nd interview in Owen's SLED car - Alex in blue shirt and Jim present in the car. Is there a link?