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with Luna Shark Premium

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Juror ride with Becky Hill?

Do you know what the truth is, as to whether Becky Hill “did or didn’t” ride in a vehicle with a juror? Wondering if it’s totally fabricated or Poot worded it to be semantically misleading?

What does premium do

I know I paid for month of January(1/2 price) but I am not seeinfpg where to retrieve all the extra information. I am getting what I have always had access to on the podcasts and Spotify.

Upcoming Events

When will you be releasing dates for upcoming events? Haven't been able to make one yet due to work, family, and distance and would love to be able to plan for one soon!

Rogan G. Full interview

Where on your sight do we access the full Rogan interview? Thanks!

Map of the john Marvin and Paul car switch

Hey! Where can I find the graph Beth drew so I can follow this car switching the night of the murder? Thanks!