Someone asked a question about “a gentleman in a suit” on 1/26. The response was posted that it could be Joe McCullough or Charlie Condon. I don’t believe it is either of these attorneys. Is it possible he is part of the law enforcement detail? He seems to be wearing some type of pin on his jacket. He has been in the same position every day, all day, and never seems to have conversation with anyone.
Blanca testified to during cross examination on Friday, Feb 10th to how bad cell phone coverage was at Moselle except for one spot on the main house’s porch that “they all knew about” and testified that CB told her cell phone coverage at kennels is “horrible” (note she had also already confirmed during this cross Dick’s assertion that Verizon was cell phone carrier=Alex’s carrier too) here’s my question: how did Alec have such a long uninterrupted clear 911 call at the kennels as he claims service was so terrible down there? perhaps he called 911 from the house after shower and clean-up… because based on Chris Wilson’s testimony and phone records, Alec arrived back at Moselle about 9:52 PM. Plenty of time to shower before calling 911 after 10pm