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“Locked” Phones

What does “locked” mean in relation to Maggie’s and Paul’s phones? Is it simply that they stopped being used? I’ve seen a definition for locked that means a phone can only be connected to one provider, but that makes no sense here.

“Locked” Phones

What does “locked” mean in relation to Maggie’s and Paul’s phones? Is it simply that they stopped being used? I’ve seen a definition for locked that means a phone can only be connected to one provider, but that makes no sense here.

Alex’s changing story of “suicide” attempt

Will Alex’s changing narrative of how he was shot be admissible in this hearing?

photos/body cam footage

So will the body cam footage/crime scene photos be released at the end of the trial or is it going to be sealed?


I want to Make sure I still have a subscription. I canceled one because I signed up twice.