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More of an observation than a question . . .

This is an observation rather than a question, but so that I can make sure a question is involved, my question would be, "have you noticed the same thing I have?" Background: I'm a lawyer who has dealt with the "good ole boy" culture for many years. We women know it when we see it. We try to fight it when we can. But it's always there. We see, little by little, barriers being eroded, but we still have to console our daughters who deal with the same culture of misogyny. People like the Murdaughs, the PMPeD attorneys, Jim Griffin, and Dick Harpootlian, also know it when they see it and they actively harness it for their benefit. This is a case in which AM (and others) took advantage of women, people of color, and minors because they knew they could get away with it. I truly believe that AM and his defense team thought they could waltz into the courtroom and act the way they always have - use denigrating questions and grandstanding rather than true lawyering and know that the "brotherhood" would have their back. But, here, the Judge is not "one of them" and they do not know how to act. They cannot use their elitist dog whistles to ingratiate themselves with the judge. Creighton Waters is clearly not ingratiated and, most importantly, neither are the women who have testified so adamantly about what they do and what they know. It is clear to me that much of the pivotal witness testimony in this case have been from women -- Rutland, Worley, and Jeannie Seckinger -- and that has rattled the defense lawyers. It is amazing that they still think they can rely on the standard operating procedure and just put down the witnesses and make it appear that they are not in the club and thus not to be listened to. And the rulings from a judge who is not one of the good ole boys is rattling the good ole boys. They don't know what to do because they have never had to figure it out. I love seeing this play out - for every woman out there who has had to work 3X as hard as men just to get recognition for the job they do.

Dinner at Moselle the night of the murders

Am I the only one that noticed the glaring omission in Alex’s interview about dinner? We have been hearing that the 3 of them had dinner together that night but nowhere in his recounting of that days events from the afternoon until the 911 call does he say anything about dinner? Seems like that would have been hard to forget. Maggie and Paul had similar stomach contents but obviously we have no way of knowing what was in Alex’s stomach.

The trip to the Bahamas post murders

Am I remembering correctly that MMP (about a year ago??) Talked about Alex taking a trip on a private plane to the Bahamas with maybe 4 other people. This happened after the murders before the "suicide" attempt. I am trying to narrow down which episode it was. I am pretty sure it was pre-Liz, and Mandy was still at Fitz.

What is your next big project?

Hi there! Big supporter here and have loved listening to MMP so far. I'm really looking forward to some of the upcoming stories you'll be covering, could you tease a few that we can expect in the coming months?


I'm a member and will be logging in tomorrow. what is the best way to listen/watch it? Do I log in to this and then there will be a link to the courtroom? I'm not the most technical person so need a step by step. :) BTW praying for yall tomorrow even through all the excitement, I know you guys are the boots on the ground and we can't fathom the work/stress/anxiety you are having! Love and prayers to yall through this and thank you for everything you have done for the justice of all!

are you still taking stories about AM

Are you still taking stories about AM, I have one from College


I am a senior citizen and not real Text savvy. I joined the premium members about a month or so ago but I do not know how to navigate it. I found it very confusing. Please help.

Maggie was real target maybe ?

Something I heard Alex say today and have heard him say before was that he thought Paul left the property after dinner - didn’t realize he was at the kennels. But he knew Maggie was there. And never went to check on her even though she would have been down there alone and not answering his texts before he went to his moms. My husband would never do that to me. Even if he was mad at me- he wouldn’t leave me outside in the dark by myself not answering my phone while he disappeared for an hour. Then he says “they did”or maybe he said “I did you wrong”. But I feel like Paul was not supposed to be there. His wife was spending the money faster than he could steal it. And it had to stop. Gucci, RH at the beach, credit card debt, full time help for every location that cook and even iron your T-shirts !! They didn’t like be together so who knows what their relationship was really? Her death would be another tragedy to give him time, to sell some stuff, maybe some properties, and gather some money. Sometimes with credit - with death, the debt goes away. Cold blooded but the boys would be okay and move on somewhere else. I think he had planned to leave and let someone else come in to do the dirty work. But only Maggie was to be there. Any thoughts ?

Randolph’s involvement

Any possible proof of Randolph III’s involvement in Alex’s crimes/schemes? I feel like there has to be, there’s no way Alex figured out how to do all of this behind the scenes stuff by himself.

Mozelle Trail Cam Video?

Ok, maybe I was dreaming this, but I could have thought I recalled while listening to one of the podcasts that the Private Investigator that Parkers hired might have put a trail cam outside of Mozelle?

A legal quick? for the jackhammer of justice

You guys have talked about whether or not Alex Murdaugh really had an opioid addiction before. What I was wondering was whether you all think his legal team plans to factor that into his defense in any meaningful way. Perhaps you could have the jackhammer of justice weigh in with his excellent expertise on exactly what a diminished capacity" defense might look like should Alex Murdaugh’s defense team go that route? Love all y’all and thanks for all you do. Gwen from New Fairfield CT

No question

Just wanted to let you know I have been listening to your podcast since Day 1. I thank you for being so diligent in your pursuit of justice.


Just joining Premium.. trying to figure out how I can hear Mandy/Liz and EB over breaks of court sessions... I missed today's over lunch, can't figure out how to hear it or get to it.

Gloria’s body

Last June the state exhumed Gloria Satterfield’s body and SLED was going to examine it for signs of traumatic injury. Do you have any updates on this?

Daily emails

I'm not getting the daily recap emails for the past 2 days. Can you help?

Eric Bland’s friend, Greg Leon

Listened to the most recent COJ this morning. I admire Eric Bland’s work with Murdaugh’s financial victims. It’s OK for him to still be friends with Leon, and Leon is all those things he claims. But…EB left out the other side of Leon. And because he left it out people here who don’t live in Lexington County don’t know the whole story. Greg Leon was indicted on bribery charges for bribing the sheriff. He is part of the good old boy corruption network in SC that EB rages against. I was floored by that last week but wasn’t going to judge EB on his choice of friends. But his high praise of Leon in his statement without mention of the corruption charges is wrong in my opinion. Leon was also caught while awaiting his murder trial trying to bribe a witness who was an employee of his to lie. The article below details the corruption charges. So no questions from me. I just thought y’all needed to know since in the podcast Mandy said she didn’t know much about it.

Any update on the Hulu show?!

I cannot get enough of MMP and eagerly awaiting the Hulu show. Could you give us any details or maybe when we could expect to see it?!

Blanco getting rid of evidence?

Hi, Lily here... The moment I heard Buster complaining about Blanco taking things out of the houses a huge exclamation point went off in my head. I know there are two Blankos, I remarked on your insta how weird that was. Again, what are the odds of having two Blancos in your life? But I'm wondering if you've heard anything about her being questioned... what did she take (besides Maggies clothes)? Was she getting rid of evidence? Papers? Account info? That's just so weird that Buster was irritated and Alex was like "No big deal... anyhoo, can you please do this, this, and this?"

Man in the courtroom?

Who is the white haired gentleman in the courtroom dressed in suit and tie? He was sitting today ( Thursday) on the prosecution side a few rows behind Alex in the photos? It seems to me that he is a SC politician, but I can't remember his name....

Paul’s truck

I may have missed it but what do you make of Paul’s truck being found miles away in another town. Guy guys seem to have all the sources- was this addressed and i missed it?

So confused on Membership

Got your email trying to explain where to watch your broadcasts, ask Qs, etc. (It’s all so confusing. Is there a PowerPoint or something we can access that will walk (or talk) us through everything? (Esp. for those of us that are premium members). I feel like I’m missing out on all of the benefits.

Attending Trial

I have the opportunity to come to Walterboro from Texas and wanted to know what the chances were to get a seat in the courtroom.

View verdict

Can lower level subscribers please see video of Mandy and Liz when verdicts were read?

ad-free podcast?

Hi. The latest MMP podcast (today's) includes ads. I'm wondering how to access the ad-free version with my subscription. Thanks!


Can Gracie live with her mom now that she is over 16 or is required to stay with her dad until 17 or 18?

+ 248 more questions for subscribers