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with Luna Shark Premium

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Suggested Guest for Cup of Justice

Hi! I have been listening to a new podcast called Believe Her. The podcast has been really well done. You can tell that the host and lead reporter has dedicated an incredible about of work into getting all of the facts. I thought Mandy and Liz would appreciate seeing another report really putting in the investigative work. I thought the host/reporter, Justine Van Der Leun would make a great guest on Cup of Justice. Just wanted to suggest the podcast in case you have not seen it. Thanks!

Not receiving email updates

I’m a pocket full of sunshine subscriber and don’t seem to be receiving email

Juror ride with Becky Hill?

Do you know what the truth is, as to whether Becky Hill “did or didn’t” ride in a vehicle with a juror? Wondering if it’s totally fabricated or Poot worded it to be semantically misleading?

What’s up with Will Folks?

I’m a North Carolinian with roots in SC. Have enjoyed keeping up with events in SC by reading Fitsnews. Folks position on Murdaugh related events since the end of the trial seems bizarre. His most recent observation that the evidentiary hearing results threaten the legal rights of SC individuals make me wonder if I saw and heard the same trial.

COJ Premium

Hello, is there a COJ premium channel? I’d love to give COJ the listen instead of the trusunlight channel. I want both platform to succeed to the fullest