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with Luna Shark Premium

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What happened to Mike Hemlepp?

I was curious to know why Sandy Smith elected to go with Eric Bland - obviously he is a great choice and an incredible “jackhammer for justice” but was she unhappy with Mike? Is he still involved too? Just curious! I hope answers will be found soon. She deserves to know what happened to Stephen.

Financial crimes

Were the financial crimes being investigated prior to the double homicide? I was fiddling w/ my podcasts as I woke, it’s possible I dreamt that because I can’t find a headline about it.

Being pesky tips

How do you suggest one get started taking a deeper dive into a corrupt case that I know of? Like statistics on convictions in that county, etc. Or is there a separate email where you guys want to hear about cases that really need some sunlight shining on them? 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Corruption in Mississippi

Looks like a local cover-up in the death Rasheem Ryelle Carter in Taylorsville. Your kind of journalism needs local voices and tenacity. These folks are fighting for Justice.

My brain fart

That's a nice way of saying I can't remember sh**! lol Because of this, I can't seem to remember my password, and although I go through the steps of requesting the email to retrieve that booger, I haven't received said email. Could you help a girl out? Thank you much! Cups Up!